Varicose vein pills

Folk remedies for the treatment of varicose veins

Self-medication for varicose veins is the most popular treatment method. The Internet is full of wonderful recipes about apple cider vinegar, leeches and other magical techniques, and our compatriots are willing to believe this. Varicose veins can now be cured by certified experts at a low price or even for free, but the miracle shaman still enjoys great success. Perhaps these are the remnants of the original public system of our ancestors. Only pain can be traced to the doctor. We will try to smear simple varicose veins with all kinds of annoying things, and hope that they will be resolved someday.

Treatment of varicose veins

The vast majority of people choose between surgical treatment of any disease (in our case, varicose veins) and possible non-invasive treatment, whether it is capsules, varicose vein tablets, gels, ointments, herbs, and infusions. Choose the latter, especially if all screens will broadcast to them information about its effectiveness and the uselessness of any operation. The amount of information on paralyzed patients can be judged by the number of advertisements about varicose veins pills and ointments on all federal channels. Happy girls run easily after applying miracle ointment to healthy legs or taking miracle pills.

Are the representatives of pharmaceutical companies and various traditional therapists so honest, and how effective are all these magic drugs?

The goal of drug therapy for venous pathology is to relieve symptoms and prevent complications, but achieving these goals is not easy. Today, the richness of available tools raises another question: which one to choose? However, almost any drug for the treatment of varicose veins, even if it is highly evaluated, is not effective enough, although the theory has proved its use as a stopgap measure. This is caused by a variety of reasons, among which is the low absorption rate of the medicinal substances of these drugs by the human body. The ideal drug for the treatment of varicose veins should act on all the pathogenic links of chronic venous insufficiency, with minimal side effects and high body absorption rate. There are quite a few intravenous drugs on the modern pharmaceutical market. However, the medicinal substances and the active substances they have are similar (phytoflavonoid-diosmin), so the effectiveness of one or the other depends only on the concentration and assimilation of the active ingredients. The most popular are tablets and capsules for the treatment of varicose veins: diosmin, rutin, gels, such as trokvafloxacin.

Practice shows that if you take these pills for the treatment of varicose veins, the varicose veins, nutritional ulcers and spider veins will not disappear, let alone the varicose veins themselves will disappear from these varicose veins, but the leg edema will be reduced, and night cramps will be reduced. Just disappear.

A list of popular drugs for the treatment of ineffective varicose veins:

  • Diosmin
  • Rutin;
  • Qu Sevansing.

Do gels, decoctions, pills and ointments help prevent varicose veins?

It is easier and cheaper to take medicines, infusions or smear inflamed veins, but this effective panacea has not yet been invented. Long-term results have proved this, but self-hypnosis can work miracles. Whether to throw money is up to you. Since varicose veins are a very common disease, selling drugs to treat varicose veins in the legs has become a profitable business for pharmaceutical companies.

It is recommended that the patient is always interested in the treatment of varicose veins, and because the veins in the early stage of the disease will not be disturbed, the patient is afraid of any surgical treatment. Pharmaceutical companies spend huge sums of money to convince people and even doctors that not taking medicine is the best choice for the treatment of varicose veins. Servier has been particularly successful in this regard, organizing conferences and "researches" and purchasing famous phlebologists to gain their power to increase sales of pills.

There are also folk remedies to "get rid of" varicose veins:

Soda water, mummies, iodine, peroxide, soap, clay, onion, cabbage, propolis and other drugs for the treatment of varicose veins, remove varicose veins, meshes, kidney and gallbladder stones, tumors andgangrene. Ordinary people believe in such nonsense and do not understand the causes or consequences of diseases. Thousands of posts on the Internet about panacea and treatments for varicose veins in the legs are causing confusion among patients.

So what should I do and take varicose veins?

Before we usually recommend that you contact our center, we will tell you the really effective methods that can ease the course of the disease well.

In this section, we recommend forgetting the very effective pills that "help" varicose veins, and remember the traditional and proven methods.

Varicose Vein Massage Bath

Unlike many cheap intravenous injections in the advertisement, massage is an active treatment for varicose veins, which helps prevent edema, eliminate edema, lower limb fatigue and reduce overall fatigue.

Innovative Vascular Center uses all types of modern massage, especially pathologies of the lymphatic and venous systems. Exclusive method-banded lymphatic drainage massage technology, very effective to relieve chronic venous insufficiency.

In chronic venous insufficiency, massage is used to eliminate the venous hypertension of varicose veins and post-thrombotic syndrome. The combination of this technology and strips allows you to effectively eliminate all clinical manifestations of the disease.

Therapeutic massage is a very effective treatment for the symptomatic treatment of varicose veins in the legs, but it can only relieve it temporarily. We use manual lymphatic drainage for patients with severe edema with lymphovenous insufficiency. This treatment does not have to be afraid of "tearing the blood clot", but if the condition worsens, it should not be used.

But taking a bath is a completely different thing: varicose veins, thrombophlebitis of the lower limbs, or post-thrombotic disease, which is very dangerous. Any thermal stress will cause the formation of deep vein thrombosis, along with blood flow, and all the consequences that follow. Dehydration in the bath can cause the blood to "thick". Don't expose yourself to unnecessary risks. Varicose veins will not disappear after taking a bath, and thrombophlebitis may occur.

Creams and gels for the treatment of varicose veins

Although sellers and manufacturers advertise high efficiency, creams and gels do not relieve varicose veins and dilated veins will not disappear from them. In the initial stage of venous insufficiency, the doctor who made the appointment does not strongly object to the use of these so-called "venous" drugs, because their friction acts as a light massage, promotes venous outflow, and has a calming effect on the skin and skin. Vascular wall. With the advanced form of venous insufficiency, these creams and ointments can cause dermatitis and allergies, so they are very harmful. Heparin drugs are used for the development of acute thrombophlebitis and help to subside the inflammatory process, but the varicose veins did not disappear. Shamanism products, because of the correct advertising, beautiful female legs, are very popular among the people. However, they have nothing to do with drugs, women, or even leeches, and there is no reason to expect them. Moreover, no matter what the price, rating or well-known name, any drops will not bring results, even if absolutely all reviews call drops the best and cheapest medicine in the world-intravenous injection, 100% of patients cancure. The best solution is to contact an excellent attending doctor who will prescribe a comprehensive minimally invasive or medication treatment and will correct your lifestyle.

Effective drugs to prevent varicose vein thrombosis

A common complication of varicose veins of the lower extremities is thrombophlebitis, especially during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Low molecular weight heparin is a proven drug to prevent blood clots. To prevent thrombophlebitis after varicose vein treatment, our clinic uses Xarelto or Prodax tablets. The course of pill treatment is 7 days after laser or radio frequency intervention.

This article is a warning to people who are tired of reading customized reviews: "I recently bought a cheap pill, such as pentoxifylline. I have been treated for two days, 1 tablet per day, and it will only get worse every day. Good-my legs disappeared from the stars, my fatigue also disappeared, and I also noticed anti-inflammatory effects and capillary growth. I recommend to all women, remember this name-pentoxifylline-at this priceCan’t find a better pill, "Otherwise, your energy, time and money will be wasted, using a socially recognized list of inefficient or unproven drugs. The list of pills for treating varicose veins in the legs is increasing every year, but their active ingredients remain the same. These are diosmin, rutoside, heparin and some others. Only change the name to increase sales. Read the ingredients of these medicines carefully.

It is best to consult a phlebologist, and then as an expert with a higher medical background, he will conduct a comprehensive examination and prescribe appropriate treatment methods, including medication (the best pills for the treatment of varicose veins), but still treat varicose veinsThe most effective method is laser coagulation.

Remember, the best way to treat any disease or even varicose veins is to live an active and healthy lifestyle. Therapeutic exercises, walking in fresh air can strengthen the vein walls more than any pill. The correct way of working and resting, the use of elevated postures to relieve tension in the legs, swimming in the sea and swimming pools-these measures are the best prevention and treatment methods. Don't assume that if the packaging of the pills says "Made from grape leaves", then they are no longer chemical agents. If varicose veins cannot be eliminated with their help, why use ineffective drugs to poison yourself?