According to statistics, every quarter of the inhabitants of the earth suffer from varicose veins regardless of age and physiological data. Varicose veins is a major genetic disease that can be caused by genetic factors. Any aspect of the disease (such as varicose veins) can be the trigger for this mechanism, including unhealthy diet, strenuous physical activity, or nonexistence at all. The clinical manifestations of the disease and the choice of treatment methods depend on the stage and form of varicose veins, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient.

Pathogenesis and etiology
At present, scientific data has proved that the main cause of the main symptoms of this disease is heredity. Genetic defects are manifested as the transfer of genetic material that causes the elasticity and tension of the vein wall, which is passed on from generation to generation, leading to the development of varicose veins.
In the case of genetic predisposition, it is very difficult to avoid the main symptoms of the disease, because almost any factor that ordinary people encounter every day can be used as a cause and a catalyst to initiate the pathological process. Among the most common causes, its negative effects can lead to pathology and are called:
- Lack of physical activity.
- During pregnancy and subsequent delivery.
- Overweight, especially the positioning of lower body cellulite.
- Long-term use of hormones and powerful drugs.
- Unreasonable eating style.
- Posture pathology and sedentary lifestyle.
- Commit to regular tanning beds.
- bad habits.
- Wear tight and tight clothing.
Therefore, varicose veins are mainly a genetic defect. The above-mentioned causes of varicose veins are the most common as a result of various pathological effects of the circulatory system including varicose veins. However, in each case, other causes will have a negative impact. It is almost impossible to completely eliminate all predisposing factors.

Being overweight can cause varicose veins to appear.
Clinical picture
Regardless of the cause, the symptoms of varicose veins will vary significantly depending on the stage and form of the disease and other factors (such as lifestyle and anatomical features of the structure of the venous system). At present, there are six main stages of varicose veins, and each stage has a specific set of characteristic symptoms and causes.
The first stage. In the initial stage of formation, varicose veins are characterized by the following symptoms:
- Tingling.
- Heaviness and pain in the legs.
- Burning, itching.
- Cramps at night.
You can also notice the visual symptoms of varicose veins, which are blue stars and veins. At this stage, the patient noticed edema after physical exertion and at night.
second stage. According to scientific data, real varicose veins of the lower extremities, no matter what the cause, start from the second stage of the formation of the disease. This is because the symptoms in the first two stages of varicose veins can be attributed to other diseases of the vascular system. During this period, patients will still feel discomfort, tingling and soreness in the legs even due to short walks and other reasons. In addition, the visual symptoms of the disease are clearly visible: vascular network, swelling of veins, and the formation of dense blue nodules on the skin. According to similar pictures, varicose veins are performed in the third stage.
In the fourth and fifth stages, varicose veins, due to tissue hypoxia, undergo nutritional changes, which are manifested by the appearance of ulcers. The skin of varicose veins appears dark, the veins become obvious, and it feels dense.
The seventh stage is characterized by the most complex and advanced form of the disease. During this period, the varicose veins of the lower extremities cause irreversible tissue changes and non-healing trophic ulcers appear, which often become the cause of death in the skin area.

In the late stage of varicose veins, trophic ulcers will appear.
Effective therapy
Modern medicine provides several basic treatment methods for patients with varicose veins. Among them, there are mainly two aspects: invasive and conservative treatment of varicose veins. Each of these directions is divided into corresponding subgroups. For example, conservative treatment options include the use of external and internal medications.
The invasive treatment of varicose veins is based on the use of aggressive treatments for the inflamed areas of the vascular system. Depending on the stage and symptoms of the disease, various treatment options can be used: from repairing the damaged vein wall to complete or partial removal. But the main treatment of varicose veins provides many contraindications, the existence of these contraindications precludes the use of any appropriate procedures.
Effective treatment of varicose veins, aimed at gaining positive momentum for the disease, is based on a complex combination of multiple treatment types. For example, taking medication can be combined with certain types of physical therapy, wearing compression underwear, and folk methods.
In addition, when prescribing certain treatment plans for patients, patients also need to make changes in their diets, perform moderate physical exercises, and minimize the factors that contribute to disease progression.
The medical treatment of varicose veins is mainly used in the early stages of disease formation, regardless of its cause. In addition, in the process of invasive treatment, drugs can be used for varicose veins as an additional measure. To treat the symptoms of varicose veins, drugs with anti-inflammatory, regenerative, healing, and normalizing venous outflow properties are used. If the affected tissue is at risk of infection, it needs to be treated with antibacterial drugs.
In most cases, medications are used in the early stages of the disease.
For severe pain, you can take analgesics, which are designed to eliminate symptoms, not to treat the cause of the disease. Also practice the use of drugs that improve blood composition, thin the hemolymph, and increase the body's resistance.
The use of drugs helps to reduce the visual and physiological manifestations of varicose veins of the lower extremities: edema, pain, and severity. However, medical treatment of varicose veins is aimed at eliminating the symptoms, not the cause of the disease. In this way, it is almost impossible to completely get rid of varicose veins and regenerate damaged varicose veins.
Physical therapy is an excellent supplement to a single comprehensive treatment of varicose veins. The only significant shortcoming of this therapy is that due to its particularity, any procedures need to be specifically performed in a medical institution. Only regular treatment can achieve positive results.
The following types of procedures have the greatest efficiency and convenience in treating diseases:
- Electrophoresis.
- Laser radiation.
- Infrared radiation.
- Magnetic therapy.
However, although all the benefits of physical therapy are prescribed to eliminate varicose veins in the legs, there are still many contraindications, so their treatment is completely ruled out. Generally, these symptoms include symptoms of varicose veins, such as trophic ulcers, necrotic tissue changes, and open wound surfaces.

Physiotherapy can only be performed in medical institutions.
operation treatment
Surgical removal of the affected veins through appropriate procedures is classified as one of the most effective treatments for varicose veins. But it is only used in the most serious and neglected situations, provided that there is no positive motivation in the use of invasive and conservative methods to treat the disease.
Surgical intervention is based on the complete removal of the affected vein. This procedure requires the introduction of anesthetics to patients who are concerned about varicose veins, hospitalization, and long-term recovery. Depending on the cause and indications of the disease, varicose vein surgery can be performed as planned or as an emergency.
Invasive method
A relatively new trend in the field of phlebology is invasive treatment methods, which are as effective as surgical procedures. At the same time, patients do not need to recover for a long time when performing such operations. In addition, there are no contraindications and side effects. However, invasive methods may not be effective enough for the symptoms of advanced varicose veins.
These methods include: sclerotherapy and laser irradiation. The first technique is used to treat the symptoms of varicose veins. It can be used alone or as a part of a medical complex. During sclerotherapy, a substance is injected into the damaged vein to promote the rapid regeneration of cells and tissues. To get rid of varicose veins completely, five to six such operations are enough.
Laser therapy is a bit similar to the surgical principle of treatment, it can permanently get rid of the symptoms of varicose veins. During the operation, the laser radiation is directly exposed through the skin. The laser partially destroys the tissue of the damaged vein, causing it to shrink immediately. Completely rule out scars or scars caused by this procedure.
Traditional method
Of course, it is not feasible to use folk methods to get rid of varicose veins once and for all, but it is very possible to reduce the visual and physiological manifestations of the disease to a certain extent. The main aspect of family therapy is regularity. Only by performing daily operations in accordance with accepted norms can we achieve good results and eliminate the uncomfortable symptoms of varicose veins.
As the most effective way to treat the causes and symptoms of varicose veins, it can be done at home, called compression therapy based on various drugs and herbs. The following recipes are particularly popular:
- The pulp of ripe tomatoes is ground to produce flesh. An excellent medicine for the treatment of varicose veins in the early stages of the disease. Apply to the inflamed vein for two to three hours a day.
- Using fresh aloe vera or longevity leaves can eliminate varicose veins in the lower limbs and relieve annoying symptoms. For this, the plants should be ground into gruel and left overnight in the affected area.
- Homemade yogurt. When preparing the compress, moisten a cotton swab or bandage in a container with yogurt and apply it to your legs.
- Infusion of hop balls. Soak the gauze swab with saturated infusion solution, then fix it to the leg with a bandage. This procedure should be carried out every day.
- Cabbage leaves. The method of application is very simple: scald the leaves with boiling water, apply to the affected area after cooling, and then fix it with an elastic bandage. This method is very suitable for severe pain and swelling.
- Slice green tomatoes. Apply a few slices of immature tomatoes to the sore area and secure with a bandage. The duration of this procedure should not exceed five hours.
- Propolis. Propolis preparations can only be used after receiving a medical prescription, because the preparations are classified as potent preparations. The tinctures and aqueous solutions of this beekeeping product can be used as dressings and therapeutic massage agents.

The most effective way to treat this disease at home is compresses.
Before using any home remedies for varicose veins, you should make sure that there is no risk of allergies to any of the ingredients in the formula. It is almost impossible to eliminate varicose veins in the legs using procedures performed at home. But the beneficial effects of the aforementioned compression help eliminate its causes and symptoms, thin the blood and strengthen the vein wall, which is an important part of the therapeutic complex.
Proper nutrition
Varicose veins often appear, not only due to damage to the vein wall, but also due to thickening of the blood. In order to liquefy hemolymph, improve metabolic processes, and restore blood microcirculation, patients need to make certain adjustments to their usual diet.
First, you should exclude all sweets, fats and fried foods, and flour products from the menu. Patients with varicose veins on the legs should have low-fat meat, vegetables, fruits, fermented dairy products, and cereals on the table. On the basis of these products, it is very possible not only to establish a healthy and diversified diet menu, in addition, these dishes also help to thin the blood and eliminate the symptoms of disease.
Tips and tricks
As an additional measure for varicose veins, patients also need to wear pressure underwear, which can evenly distribute the load on the legs and prevent unpleasant symptoms and disease progression. Ordinary elastic bandages can also be used instead of special underwear, and the effect is also obvious. The only disadvantage of elastic bandages is that the process of fixing the device is relatively inconvenient.

In order to prevent and treat varicose veins, it is recommended to wear compression underwear.
Taking short walks at a leisurely pace can also help normalize blood circulation and improve the supply of oxygen and nutrients to cells and tissues. However, this method can be used as an additional component of the medical complex only if there are no contraindications. As another method of treating venous and vascular disease, it can be called contrast shower. Regular use of this procedure can improve blood circulation, promote the recovery of skin cells, and reduce swelling and soreness. Don't forget that for any damage to the vascular system, you can only take a hot bath, not a hot bath.
Through any kind of technical treatment, it is almost impossible to completely cure varicose veins. Only a complex combination of multiple methods to combat the causes of varicose veins can make you forget the unpleasant symptoms of this disease forever.
To avoid complications, you should not self-medicate. Before using any medicine, even the most harmless medicine, you should consult your doctor.