What you can and what is not, in varicose veins

In varicose veins the patient you need to change your style of life, limiting me in some things. When this limit is not so much. Find out what you absolutely do not can do with varicose veins.

The ban main a sedentary life-style

Healthy veins in the legs

One of the main contraindications for varicose veins is a sedentary life-style. The function of the veins that return the blood from the extremities to the heart and lungs. The movement of the muscles in this only to help, pushing the blood above. Thanks to the activity of the muscular system, works well in the system of venous valves, preventing the backflow of blood. Varicose veins is achieved when the work of the valves is broken, and the lack of movement only exacerbates this process.

Negatively on the state of the veins effect and static voltage. So, long sitting or standing leads to a stagnation of blood in the veins and their expansion.

A negative factor in the development of varicose veins is excess weight, providing an additional load on the veins of the limbs. So, if you have excess weight, with him, there is a need to fight in the first place with exercise. And which sport you can practice in varicose veins, you will learn below.

Fitness in varicose veins

Perhaps the most useful in the physical sense, for varicose veins is swimming. In the first place, during the navigation legs are not experiencing a high load, and the density of the water does not stagnate the blood in the veins.

If you do not have excess weight, when varicose veins useful it will be walking. For people with excess weight suitable to walk at medium pace, until you will not be able to normalize the weight.

If you love strength exercises, when varicose veins is recommended to choose those exercises that are performed lying down or sitting, not to much loading of the foot. Also allowed yoga, oriental and Latin-american dances.

Fitness in varicose veins: what is prohibited?

If you have varicose veins, then you should forget sports, where there is a need to run and jump. Tell a decisive "no" running, step, aerobics, rope, and some types of dance.

We also need to forget the bar and other exercises related to lifting weights. Remember that varicose veins are not it is advisable to increase the severity of more than 3-5 kg.

Hot how to: can I go in the sauna and shower with varicose veins?

Varicose legs do not like the heat. Keep your feet away from radiators or other heat sources. A hot shower, Turkish bath and sauna are a contraindication to varicose veins. Even if you do not have varicose veins, but there is a predisposition (e.g., hereditary), so it is not recommended warm hydrotherapy.

Here is a shower of contrast, on the contrary, it will be useful. And still useful after every meal, a bath or shower to wash your feet with cold water.

Services in varicose veins

Significant limits in varicose veins no. The only thing that will have to give, is broths of meat, marinated and cured meats, which stop the activity of the blood vessels. And the rest, the food in varicose veins almost no different from a normal diet.

If you have any problems with the outflow of fluids from the body, it is recommended to limit salt consumption to avoid water retention that is having on the blood vessels in the extra load.

Varicose veins in women usually occurs or progresses during pregnancy. And, usually during the second or subsequent... With the increase of the period of pregnancy increases the risk of development of varicose veins.

Sit on a rigid diet has a sense, if you are suffering from excess weight. Then it illustrates the reduced-calorie diet, that will help you lose weight and feel better. You see, as each lost a pound you will always be easier.

In varicose veins doctors advise to supplement their diet with a variety of fruit and vegetables to provide the body with vitamins, especially vitamin c, rutin, bioflavonoid, and other biologically active substances.